Pre-Emergent Herbicide Chemicals For Crabgrass

Annual crabgrasses (Digitaria spp.) Sprout in spring and shape unsightly clumps in lawns and garden beds. A pre-emergent herbicide kills crabgrass before it has a chance to sprout. Not many herbicides can be used safely so check the label to be certain that the compound you select won’t damage your lawn. When managing garden chemicals, always adhere to all safety warnings on the label to safeguard the environment and yourself.

When to Employ

Herbicides won’t kill crabgrass that growing, but can maintain the seeds that they fall from germinating next growing season. As a result of this herbicide should be applied in the spring before the seeds sprout, when the soil warms into 52 to 55 degrees Fahrenheit. As a rule of thumb use pre-emergent herbicide when the soil temperature is 50 F, measured 1/2 inch under the soil surface. Use a soil thermometer to look at this. For best results, use the herbicide at the rate stated for your conditions and on the tag.


If your yard is an established bud oryzalin can be utilised in early spring or winter from sprouting to prevent crabgrasses. Employ oryzalin in a rate of 1 ounce per 1,000 square feet. To locate the amount of water to mix with oryzalin, first calibrate your sprayer to ascertain how much water is necessary to pay for 1,000 square feet by marking an area 20 feet by 50 feet then walking in a steady speed spraying the area with plain water. Refill the sprayer with this volume of water and add 1 ounce of oryzalin. If it takes feet to be covered by 3 liters of plain water, fill the tank and blend in 1 ounce of oryzalin. Spray a layer of the mix on the yard in areas you anticipate emergence of crabgrass. Over 21 days of use it has to be watered for oryzalin. Of Oryzalin isn’t secure for many grass types, including annual bluegrass (Poa annua), so check the label before applying.


For there is that a lawn afflicted by a heavy infestation of crabgrass, pendimethalin can help clear this up. The manufacturer recommends applying it before seed germination in a rate of 1.3 ounces per 1,000 square feet, then again five to eight months later at a rate of 1 ounce per 1,000 square feet. Calibrate it with water to ascertain the volume before adding herbicide for your sprayer. The amount of water isn’t important since it is simply a carrier of the pendimethalin, yet to deliver the dilution there should just be sufficient water to cover a 1,000 square foot area. The herbicide is triggered with 1/2 inch of rain or water.


If you’re fighting large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis), an invasive species which primarily invades garden beds, and smooth crabgrass (Digitaria ischaemum), a problem in yards, dithiopyr controls equally. This pre-emergent herbicide can be applied around eight weeks prior to crabgrass seeds has some post-emergent control of crabgrasses and germinate. Mix 1/3 ounce with sufficient water to cover feet, then spray the goal area with 1/2 inch of water with the solution immediately following use. If you’re planning to overseed your lawn, do not apply within three months of your date since it will protect against grass seed from germinating for overseeding.


Prodiamine is a pre-ermergent herbicide that controls crabgrass with autumn or spring program, depending on the kind of lawn grass you have and when the ground freezes in the winter. The amount of prodiamine applied how long you want it to be busy and depends on the species of grass. As an example, to control crabgrass in established Bermuda grass (Cynodon species), that grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 7 through 10, mix 1/4 ounce of the compound with sufficient water to cover 1,000 square feet. Coat the goal area thoroughly with the mixture water with 1/2 inch of water.

Working with Herbicides

Always follow the directions, rates and precautions on the label. Prices may vary by manufacturer or by product before you start. Wear equipment and proper clothing, as detailed on the directions of the product, which could include a shirt, pants, protective eyewear and gloves. As you’re spraying chemicals keep children and pets and follow directions about when you can let them back on the 30, on the label.

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