The way to Decorate a Navy Blue Sofa

Color-saturated, large furniture things such as a navy blue sofa at a house room make a dramatic decorating statement. Dark blue tones are frequently associated with sleek, contemporary furnishings in modern rooms. Similar to black, navy blue is a natural shade for setting the stage for a formal living room, family room, study or office. But if you’d like to alter the effects of a navy blue sofa, you’ve got a number of easy design choices to do just that.

Center Stage the Sofa

With a navy blue sofa as the focal point of this room, add accents of coordinating color anchoring it into other large-surface characteristic tones, such as wall and floor colours. The sofa establishes the room’s equilibrium without dropping its principal impact. After the room’s structural surfaces are a delicate ivory, toss a few cream-and-blue patterned pillows on the sofa. Or lay a fuzzy-textured ivory throw over one corner of it. A color-coordinated quilt spread across the back of the sofa and tucked under the seat cushions can add more visual interest while dovetailing the deeply-colored sofa with the remainder of the room. Play around with accent things until you are comfortable that the navy blue sofa fits in touch with the rest of the room without added elements detracting from it.

Mixing and Matching

Make the sofa an integral feature in the room — instead of a strong focal point — by softening its visual impact by uniting the sofa with other attributes in the room. Take stock of this room’s main colours; wall paint, flooring, curtains as well as upholstery colours on other furniture pieces. Now make the sofa a combined region of the room by toning down its heavy color with chintz pillows at the room’s central shades, demonstrating a multitoned afghan draped over the sofa back and a matching area rug. Zero in on 2 strong room colours for uniting the sofa using the room; too many competing colours will detract and also can produce visual chaos rather than a seamlessly shaded room.

A Not-So-Bad Color

Perhaps you’ve inherited a navy blue sofa in good aunt Martha, and appreciate the gesture, but really want it to be just a comfy spot to relax, not a featured furniture item in the room. Minimize the sofa’s appearance by applying a monochromatic decorating scheme. Make the sofa’s colour the inspiration to your room. Incorporate other visual room elements by painting walls a softer shade of blue or a neutral gray with a hint of blue undertones. Add walnut laminate floors and a hardwood coffee table in marginally lighter hues. Insert sofa accent pillows, fabric throws and pictures attached above the sofa in colors of peacock or slate blue and cocoa. Even at a monochromatic way of minimizing the sofa’s perceptible impact, you’ve got innumerable colours and colors on the theme of navy blue with which to perform around.

Slipcover Magic

Yet another approach to amending the visual impact of a navy blue sofa to a room centers on the sofa’s fabric. Sew new covers to your sofa’s seat cushions in a shade that draws from an alternate room color. The fabric could either feature a multitoned design or a solid colour. Instead, purchase or develop a custom-colored slipcover to your sofa sides and back while maintaining the seat pillows the navy blue shade. With either strategy, you keep the exceptional impact of the intensely colored sofa whilst masking what could be an overwhelming quantity of color through harmonized slipcover fabrics.

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