Can You Prune Fruit Trees Anytime at February?

Newly planted fruit trees benefit from pruning to guide tree development. Pruning also encourages the development of sturdy trunks that create strong, limbs that are crocheted. Because the fruit tree ages, it also takes pruning to keep tree size, remove any dead or diseased branches and reduce the canopy size to permit sunlight to the lower components to the tree. Fruit trees should be pruned in their dormancy, which can be in December, January and the first half of February in most mild winter regions. But you should not prune while wood is frozen because frozen wood is brittle, so in regions with severe winters, wait till late in the winter to prune.

Why Prune Throughout Dormancy

There are several reasons why it is ideal to prune fruit trees throughout dormancy. When you prune dormant fruit trees, then there are no leaves on the trees, making it much easier to find out what you’re cutting. Pruning during dormancy invigorates the buds staying on the tree. Because you’re not removing leaves, you’re not removing the tree food supply at a time when it requires it to grow.

Summer and Spring Pruning

Spring pruning is acceptable for newly planted trees. Fruit trees planted in the spring should be pruned right after planting. New trees are usually cut to 24 to 30 inches tall, and unwanted shoots are removed. You are able to prune fruit trees throughout the summer months, but that can be done after harvest and also to cut back trees that are growing too vigorously and getting too big.

Things to think about when Pruning

When performing annual pruning, remember that sunlight is essential for proper shoot growth and bud development, therefore prune the canopy to permit the lower limbs to receive sunlight. Dead, dying divisions or divisions rubbing other branches will need to be removed to keep the tree healthy. When pruning a fruit tree, then concentrate on pruning to replenish the tree, making it both appealing and functional, as well as maintaining the tree’s structure.

Excessive Pruning

Excessive pruning can cause problems. Severe pruning can cause excessive foliage development. Removing to a lot of the canopy can result in sunburn of lower branches and the tree trunk. Because excessive pruning stimulates tree development, it can lead to a delay in fruit maturity, less colorful fruit along with an overgrowth of suckers and waterspouts. Too much blissful development on trees contributes to a greater risk of winter injury in most kinds of fruit trees.

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