How Do I Know If I Need Flood Insurance?

Sunny dry locations might create homeowners complacent about possible flood. California is connected with fire and earthquake threat, so flood may not be on a homeowner’s disaster checklist. Any low-lying area may get overrun if sewers and flood management infrastructures get overwhelmed by sudden downpours or get blocked by debris. Greater than 20 percent of the claims caused by flood insurance range from properties classified as”low risk,” according to the National Flood Insurance Program. The best method to assess the demand for flood insurance is to learn about the characteristics of the particular house and property in question.

Locate the paperwork you received in association with your home purchase. Review all the files and choose the”Natural Risks Disclosures” for review. Look for disclosures that classify the parcel as”Zone A” or”Zone B”–meaning that it lies in an area designated as particularly prone to flood by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Go to a local post office or county assessor’s office and ask to view the official list of all parcels that fall into the”Zone A” or”Zone B” flooding risk category if you cannot locate your closing papers, or if you have any doubts about the accuracy or completeness of this paperwork. A property recorded as a high-flood hazard needs flood insurance.

Inspect the house and its environment. Identify any locations where water run off may flow onto the house during storms. Look for storm drains on hillsides over the home, which, if blocked, can result in massive amounts of water spilling over on your house. Houses not recognized as being in high flood-risk areas still need protection from runoff.

Find the detailed plot maps for the property that usually accompany title insurance information, or locate them on county assessor sites. Check storyline maps for any existing blue line–year round–or even seasonal flows. Homes constructed at regular withdown or down stream from any flowing water may need flood protection.

Check with neighbors to get information pertaining to flooding history. Ask about any current wildfire damage to hillsides near your home. Heavy rains compounded with current fire damage can cause flooding to neighboring communities. Identify any pools in neighboring lawns that are at a greater elevation than the home in question and that could potentially flood the house if disaster strikes. Real estate sites often feature satellite imagery that allows a viewer to peek into backyards from high above and identify any pools concealed from sight.

Write down any possible risk factors. Call the insurance broker who issued your basic homeowner coverage. Describe the particular situation of this home as regards flooding and detail all concerns. Ask the broker to see the home in person that will help you to assess the demand for policy and the amount of policy suitable.

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