The Pink Link — Learn the Keys of a Decorating Darling

Known to represent everything from innocence to love and fire, pink is a confident color choice that may still feel soothing and happy. A tint of the colour red or a mix of red and purple creates a spectrum of pinks that both girls and boys can enjoy. The idea of pink as a feminine color came about only from the 1900s — in actuality, medieval gents often wore pink hosiery.

However will this colour affect you? Let’s hear from the pros on the best way best to use this prettiest of hues at home.

Dreamy Whites

In Catholicism pink symbolizes joy and happiness, and is used for the third Sunday of Advent at the winter and also the fourth Sunday of Lent in the spring.

Pink definitely makes me think of spring, and everything exploding into life in this room shows beautifully how pink may be utilized as a seasonal accent.

Bowery Interior Architecture

In Japan pink features a association that is manly. The cherry tree pink blossoms that look each spring are believed to symbolize the young Japanese warriors who fell in battle in the prime of life.

The soft grays utilized to tone down the sexy pink prevent the space from feeling overly feminine.


Jaipur is known as the Pink City of India and symbolizes welcome. The color is fabled to have been chosen for a trip by the Prince of Wales in 1876, after many experiments to decrease the warmth from the manifestation of the luminous rays of the sun. Today every home in the old city is obliged by law to keep the town’s pink distinctiveness.

This warm, dusky-pink door appears very welcoming and can be great in combination with grey walls and green foliage.

Rummerfield & Woodson’s House of Design

In 1978 Alexander G. Strauss started studies on a specific shade of pink, which he found reduced raised heart, heartbeat and respiration rates. In 1979 a Naval correction centre in Seattle tested this concept by painting a prison cell wall at precisely the same shade — it took only 15 minutes with this color to help calm competitive behavior. Now this color is often known as Baker-Miller Pink — after the two officers who consented to the experimentation — or Drunk Tank Pink.

The candy-colored color displayed here is a courageous choice, but it seems wonderful with white, neutrals and complementary green accents.

Rob Kane – Kitchen Interiors Inc..

Baker-Miller Pink has also been stated to function as an appetite suppressant. If this worries you pink lovers, consider with a different shade of pink for dining rooms and kitchens. Pink looks wonderful with brownish, and this unique shade appears warm and welcoming to me.

Design Manifest

Sports teams have been proven to paint the opposition’s locker room pink to make use of the color’s tranquilizing effect. Some studies have suggested that male weightlifters seem to lose power when looking at pink, while female weightlifters are somewhat more powerful around the colour.

It is a great option, then, for a feminine bedroom like this — with a little blue added to satisfy another half, perhaps?

amanda nisbet

In feng shui the broadest usage of pink is at the southwest area of the home, which is connected to love and union. According to feng shui expert Rodika Tchi, a gentle shade of pink is the most frequent pink at feng shui decorating. However, magenta is growing increasingly more popular for its high-energy effects — particularly when paired with orange.

Bold magenta and orange against a neutral backdrop work beautifully within this vibrant bedroom.

Dillard Pierce Design Associates

Pink and black make an elegant and gorgeous mix reminiscent of art deco style. It brings with the feng shui energies of fire (pink) and water (black). The mixture of both of these elements creates tension in areas that can stimulate conversation and movement.

The effect of those colors makes the mix great to get a sitting room that often hosts guests.


The combination of crimson and violet we call magenta is reportedly the colour of universal harmony and psychological balance. Australian colour expert Judy Scott-Kemmis says, “Magenta reinforces our intuition and psychic ability while helping us to rise above the everyday dramas of our everyday life to experience a greater level of consciousness and comprehension.”

Pick this vibrant colour for a space where you will begin your day — because this homeowner did in this great toilet.

More: guides to using pink in Your House decoration

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