The way to Mow Pachysandra

Commonly known as Japanese spurge, pachysandra (Pachysandra terminalis) is as practical as it is appealing for supplying problematic-landscaping solutions. Tough, durable and virtually care free, this plant is the most appealing when it receives lots of shade. It functions as excellent ground cover and erosion control in areas many plants refuse to develop, including deep colour. This plant thrives in the U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 8 and also takes shade lawns in zones 8 and 7. Pachysandra tends to maintain its form and act well during its first and second years. Starting with the third year, you’ll need to mow them after annually to keep them looking their best.

Mow pachysandra beds in early spring after the final predicted frost to your area and before new growth emerges. Set your mower as soon as you possibly can. These plants often suffer weather burn colder climates. They tend to appear ratty and unkempt at the time spring arrives, even in warmer regions. A fantastic early springtime mowing encourages branching and functions to rejuvenate pachysandra, greatly enhancing its appearance for the remainder of the year.

Apply granular pre-emergent herbicide. It’s convenient to treat pachysandra beds right after mowing. You have to do this before any grass seeds begin sprouting for greatest effectiveness. Pre-emergent software are especially beneficial for weed management in beds of youthful pachysandra plants. Once mature, they’ll grow so thickly that no artificial or manual weed control will be necessary. Follow the packaging directions carefully.

Remove dead leaves from pachysandra foliage with a grass rake as needed during the growing season. This enhances air circulation and helps prevent mould growth. In addition, it enhances the plant’s appearance and keeps it looking tidy.

Prune some of the interior stems out of pachysandra plants during the growing season. Thinning out the centers a bit allows for good air circulation, which discourages disease and fungal development. Trim out dead or damaged stems as they occur. Clip back any stems that you find unsightly or long.

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