When & How to Transform Lilly Bulbs in the Fall?

Lilies incorporate some of the very beautiful and ornamental bulb plants. This group includes Asiatic hybrids, which can be the easiest to grow, to the Oriental hybrids, that can be the most exotic lilies. Lilies enter a dormant period in the fall and this is the perfect time to lift, separate and replant bulbs.

When to Dig Lily Bulbs

When planes turn into overcrowded or you wish to create more plants, then you can dig the lily bulbs in the fall when the tops turn yellow and begin to die down. After digging, it is ideal to separate and replant the bulbs right away, but in the event you cannot, keep them in a cool, dry area with temperature between 60 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit until you are ready to plant. The cool temperatures helps maintain the lights moist and protect against damage to the arc.

How to Dig Lily Bulbs

When you dig lily bulbs, use a spading fork to lift them to reduce the risk of damage. You can use a scoop if you are careful and begin digging out away from the plant at a circle and then dig underneath when you find the lights. Using either a scoop or the spading fork, lift the lights and grasp the cylinder to pull it out of the ground, shaking the loose soil from the lights. Lilies should just be lifted and split every three or four years, unless they appear overcrowded.

How to Separate Lily Bulbs

To divide bulbs, carefully separate the new bulbs or scales from the plant at the base to create smaller parts for planting. When splitting lilies, you need to eliminate the outer scales from the base plant. Plant each split bulb in its new location. It’s possible to grow lilies in a pot. It’s important that should younot plant the bulbs right away that you just store them correctly.

How to Plant Lily Bulbs

As soon as you’ve split the lights, pick a spot with the exact same growing conditions as the mother plant. To prepare the site, dig holes that are 1 foot deeper than the arc height and set enough soil into the hole to bring the arc to correct level. Little lily bulbs need spacing of about six inches between plants and 4 to 5 inches deep. Larger bulbs require more space and therefore are planted 6 inches deep and about 12 inches apart. When in doubt, it is safer to soften bulbs also shallowly than too intensely.

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